Terms & Condition


To provide a fair entertainment platform , A9PLAY always adhering a fair and responsible attitude when we serve our players. Also , we will always improve game experience & provide attactive promotion to allow our player could enjoy when playing in A9PLAY. At the mean time , we will strictly the investigation to those player that violate the rules.

Any cross-site betting or bonuses scamming is considered as fraud/abnormal activities on our site, and this is not allowed. Company will take action against all these cases.

Any robot bets, ghost orders, shipments, hedging, & those abnormal bets that will effect the balance and profit of the game , the game company and A9PLAY will reserve the right to delete the abnormal bets , hold the withdrawal or freeze the client account. Any ruling will be based on the judgment of the game company, and game company will not provide any explanation if action taken.

任何的机器人投注,鬼单,出货,对冲,等等还没列出的不正常投注,如影响到游戏平衡和利益,游戏公司和A9PLAY将保留删除不正常投注的权利,或冻结提款的权利,或冻结账号的权利。任何裁决将以游戏公司的判决为标准, 公司也不再给予任何解释。

If company suspects player is making any abnormal bet, A9play has the right to take action against the suspecious player , including cancellation of any member account commission and cancellation of betting.

The company's products are only provide to users that under our legal coverage of areas & ages. APLAY and games's provider will reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time.


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